For the parade route, see the Buffalo BIlls Day page -- /parade.php
The parade starts at 10. However, we are 37th out of 70ish, so we are in the middle. Please drop your children off at 9:15 at 10th and Washington (map attached). I think Washington is closed right there at 10th, so I "think" we can drop of kids there... but I don't know for sure.
PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME! Please plan on extra time to get to Golden and find where we are. Google says it takes 32 min to get there. There will be a lot of people there, and it will be hard o find places to park. It also won't be easy to find us with so many involved in the parade. We will be in our staging area by 8, if you want to come early. Please also remind us or let us know if your child isn't participating in the parade so we aren't worried about waiting for them.
We will have teachers there ready to escort children to the float by 9:15, and will stay until 9:40. You are welcome to come back, as well, but the road is closed to cars. Each year is different, so just be ready to do whatever the policemen tell you, of where you can and cannot go with your cars.
Bring --
- Water
- Wear Suncreen
- Yellow MTTS Shirt, Shorts, tennis shoes, and a hat if desired
- Blanket/Old sheet to sit on (not everyone needs one, so if you don't have one you want hay on, don't worry)
PLEASE have your student use the restroom before. There aren't restrooms at the parade and they won't be able to go once they are on the float.
PLEASE take pictures and video for us -- you can send them to us after.
At the end of the parade, we will drive a few blocks to Kafador Commons where you can pick your children up. Map Here -
At the end of the parade, we will drive a few blocks to Kafador Commons where you can pick your children up. Map Here -
Leslie and Jen will all have our phones if you have any questions, or get lost. Please do not call Jessica.
Leslie Zirker: 720-341-8905
Jen Kroff: 303-564-1914
July 29th Show! Reunion Rec center from 9:15-11:15 This is a little longer than before, because of pictures, see below.
There is a nice grassy area just east of the Rec center that we will be meeting in. You will see us in our yellow shirts. Please remember to take kiddos to the bathroom BEFORE we get to the Rec center. We can not overrun the Rec center will yellow shirts. We will go over our songs, and finish taking individual pictures. After the show is done, we will go back outside to take class and a big group picture.
We will need 2-3 parent helpers to help with the masses of people, so if anyone is available to stay and help we would love it.
We will be performing all of our songs (except the boys song) for the show Tuesday.
Glitz girls -- your speaking parts were handed out in class today, but just in case, there is another copy attached.
Practice at PVHS auditorium for ALL classes from 9:00-12:00. Starlets will be done at 10:30. Please bring a water bottle, and we will have potty breaks during practice if needed. We will be going through our show, how we get on/off stage, putting the group songs together, positioning on stage - all those fun final finishing touches.
We will be back that evening at 6:15. We will gather the kids backstage, we will have a sign of where you can drop off the kiddos. We will open the doors at 6:30. Please invite all your friends and family. I've included a flier you can attach to emails, post to facebook to help us get the word out. The show is FREE and we need your help to fill up the auditorium. The show will start at 7pm, and it should last about 45 min.
Here is a list of songs that each group will be performing for the final 2 shows.
All - Surf Crazy and Bring it all Back (solos are listed on pdf) (starlets will be sitting on the floor doing the arm movements)
Starlets - Zipadedooda and Put on a Happy Face
Blaze - (All) I Love to Laugh (A) What's more American (B) Ease on Down
Flash - King of New York and Crocodile Rock
Glitz - You can't stop and My new Philosophy
Blaze and Flash Boys - We are the Boys (please learn words and solos are assigned on the pdf)
Blaze Class Group -
Blaze A - Amy, Amy, Brinley, Brooklyn, Evan, Haley, Hope, Kori, Marissa, Sophia, Teagan, Lucy
Blaze B - Angie, Caden, Dylann, Emily, Jack, Johnny, Julia, Nathan, Preston, Rhyan, Rylie, Toby, Reagan, Victoria
Thanks!!! I can't believe we are almost done!!! This has been so much fun, thanks again for joining us this summer.
Leslie, Jen and Jessica

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